Project SWEEP

    In 2014 the world commemorated the fact that 100 years ago the First World War broke out. Although the Dutch were not a warring party, the country faced a number of problems with far-reaching consequences. The mobilization of the Dutch army was an operation on an unprecedented scale. Large numbers of for the most part Belgian refugees flooded the country after the fall of Antwerp in October 1914, resulting in years of austerity and culminating in the notorious Potato Riot in Amsterdam. These experiences motivated unexpected behaviour. Nowadays increasingly more   voices claim that the Dutch impartiality during the First World War gave rise to the reluctant and at times even apathetic attitude of the Dutch during the Second World War.
How can feelings of guilt and shame be transformed into self-knowledge? To know oneself in accordance with oneself, others and the world is the good life. But what exactly do we mean by 'good life' and 'good people'? And when do good people turn evil? How complex are these concepts 'good' and 'evil' and how are they tied up with our notions of guilt and shame?

Damiaan Denys, Erwin Dörr, Joop Goudsblom, Frans Jacobs, Loes van der Pligt, Gale Rama, Sabine Roeser, Marc Rutgers, Bettina Stangneth, Jessica Stern, the students Annigje, Caszimir, Jon, Lennard, Merl, Steffanie and Tommi, Dennis Tiecken, Tine Wilde.

    oses   Over Schuld en Schaamte (dutch only)
This publication discusses the outcome of a philosophical and artistic investigation into complex patterns of behaviour. Negative connotations and positive aspects of guilt and shame are connected convincingly to the artistic process that is used by the artist to produce new work. As a consequence, a different light is shed on the concepts of guilt and shame. The author shows in an intriguing way how adapting an artistic attitude can help us think in a more peaceful and independent manner.
  Concept and production: Tine Wilde
Dimensions: 11.6 x 8.2in|29,7 x 21cm.
Specialities: 59 pages, e-book, ePub3, in Dutch, philosophical text, building on the outcomes of two symposia, with black/white and full colour pictures of installation Lebensraum and performance SWEEP.

Publisher: Wilde Oceans Publications
ISBN 978-90-804240-0-5

Publishing date: October 2016

See also: oses2016

    22.10 2015  

- Letters to Hannah Arendt and Tristan. Performance in Project space H401 (Castrum Peregrini), Herengracht 401, Amsterdam.

    12.10 - 5.12 2014  

. Installation with Fabric, writing desk, photo-prints, newspapers, emergency blankets, and red objects, Kunstfort near Vijfhuizen (NL) (solo).
Dimensions 728.3 x 303.1 x 149.6in / 1850 x 770 x 380cm.

  12.10 2014

photo: Holger Nickisch

Symposium Over Schuld en Schaamte (Dutch only), Kunstfort near Vijfhuizen.

  15.1 2014

photo: Coen Andre

International symposium On Guilt and Shame, de Burcht Amsterdam.

  28.10 2013 - 6.1 2014   Masterclass On Guilt and Shame, commissioned by the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies University of Amsterdam.